Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What's your Story? What's my deal?

So for about 5 years or so now I have - I want to say violently, but I think I mean either virulently or vehemently - resisted creating my own blog. Why you may ask? You, Adam who are so vocal about your opinions, who are constantly urging your friends to see this movie or that band play, steeped in the communal New York culture vulture tradition of so many of your age and ahem, background. Why you would be the perfect person to have a blog, you must have said.

Well, I dunno.

I just didn't really like thinking of myself as someone to jump on board a fad, one that seemed so obnoxious and mindless. I am one of those types who doesn't want to be seen as doing what everyone else is doing, you know, the types who constantly shuffle between wanting insider status and proclaiming my independence from cultural trends.

See right now that seems obnoxious what I wrote! I don't talk like that in real life. I just sound smart when I write! And it's not even smart it's just like sort of run on sentences! Okay that's more like how I talk. I used to be obsessed with the Warhol diaries, and would read them over and over for about a year before I went to sleep. Then in a period of depression, I started writing my own diary entries in that conversational Warholian style. Then I got happy - or at least, stuff started to go somewhat more decently and more managable than it had before, and I just didn't want to write it all down. Probably that was a dumb move.

But why have I come around? Well, like I said, I dunno. Like most people it's good to have an avenue to promote yourself, especially if you're a filmmaker and a writer like I am. Another reason is that maybe it will spur some ideas as I write the way my diary entries used to. And a third reason is that, like most people who blog, I want the world to know my thoughts.

But the blog you're reading will probably mostly be about crazy fucked up movies I like that I think everyone needs to see, my crazy fucked up thoughts about the dumb planet and its majority of stupid residents, and maybe some links to some YouTube clips or something like that.

In other words. It'll be just like everyone else's blog. So if you enjoy it cool, if not whatever.


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